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Every fortnight from Friday 18th October
9am – 10am

The latest issue of Connect, the Mulberry Schools Trust newsletter, has arrived! Inside, you’ll find exciting updates, including:

  • Shoulder to Shoulder: Discover the success of our recent Shoulder to Shoulder fundraising event held at Wilton’s Music Hall.
  • International trips: This term was packed with enriching experiences as students ventured on exciting international trips.
  • Mulberry College of Teaching: Learn about the inaugural cohort of trainee secondary English teachers.
  • Global Girl Leading: In October, 400 students will join the annual conference at the QEII Centre in Westminster.
  • Student highlights: Enjoy brilliant articles showcasing students across our schools and their activities during the summer term.

We are committed to providing our students with an exceptional education, and we hope you find that this newsletter is filled with inspiring stories of their achievements.

Wishing you a relaxing and rejuvenating summer break!

Panda class embarked on an unforgettable riverboat cruise along the Thames, turning a regular school day into an extraordinary adventure. As the boat travelled down the Thames, the children took in the sights, tapping into their History and Geography topics they have been working on throughout the year to talk about what they could see, and the history of the London landmarks. The trip offered the children a unique blend of enjoyment and education and, as Malcolm put it, “The boat went under the old bridge, and we went past some other big and old boats, it was the best trip ever!”. 

We recently held our first ever book fair at Mulberry Wood Wharf – an opportunity for our families to browse and buy books to take home, read and enjoy. A love of reading has continued to be a key priority for the school and we think it’s fair to say that all the children now enjoy picking up a book to read.

We were so excited to welcome some eggs into the school. They were inside a warm incubator and, after a couple of days, they began to hatch and out came some ducklings! The children fed, watered and cleaned the ducklings, ensuring they had everything they needed. They named the ducks and really enjoyed having cuddles, holding them gently and carefully in their hands. It was another great way to learn about life cycles and how to care for living things. 

Panda class has been learning all about printing in art lessons this term.

The children were inspired by Karen Lederer, an American printmaker, leading them to create their own printing tiles, working collaboratively to produce an art class masterpiece. They drew their favourite animals that they have explored in science, and carefully carved their drawings which they printed onto material with paint. Arielle said, “I like it that all of our prints are different, but they go all together perfectly on the material, I think we should put this on display”. 

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